This entry is written to the writer herself.
Dear writer,
I wished you would get over the people who would want to see you fall. Please be strong.
Block your ears even if you can hear them. Throw away the people who hurt you. You are a very special person, indeed. Don't mind the people who said you aren't pretty or beautiful. God has created you perfectly, from head to toe. So please stop complaining. Whoa.
Dearest writer,
You are freakin' jealous of your friends that have more than you? Wishing you were them? Stop it, it's not healthy. Be proud of who you are and don't let anyone guards you down. Allah tells you to be patient. If you obey Him, you'll get the things you want in the hereafter. Insya-Allah.
Writer that has so many problems,
Try to put God first before anyone else. He is your first priority. When going out of the house to sidai kain, wear a headscarf will you? We have to have fear in our soul, body and mind. Fear to God not fear to the ghosts or pontianak that you are imagining in your head.
Writer that has too many insecurities,
Let the stupid questions such as "Lahir di Indonesia? Warganegara ke tak ni?" and the chants "Indon oh indon. Pergi balik negara kau." be your motivation as to work harder for the world and the hereafter. I know you cried every time before you go to sleep, and that's fine, but don't let that questions and chants to feel bad about yourself and ashamed for who you are. (Writer: Aku dari dulu lagi malu oii) Whoa.
Be proud of who you are. Be a very kind daughter to your mom. Jangan jadi anak derhaka okay? Belajaq elok-elok, nanti boleh pergi overseas. Time tu, tiada sapa yang akan ejek hang. Sebab hang pandai. Mesti mak hang bangga dengan hang.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY UMI!!! iLOVE YOU SO MUCH. Muahhhh! *kiss on the cheek* Thanks for being a very wonderful mom for the past 16 years. Kekalkan muka yang awet muda dan cun tu~ Hehe. You are the strongest and a very patient person I have ever met in my life. Thanks for being there for me when I feel like I wanna give up in my life. You are the nicest person in the whole wide world *sounds corny but it's true.* I love you :')
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