
Special Sem

Assalamualaikum and hello there.                

I totally forgot about my blog as I was so busy with assignments and midterm. I just want to share about my special sem in Uniten. In case you're wondering, I study at Uniten Muadzam Shah NOT in Bangi. Many people mistaken that. 

To tell you the truth, I was really afraid about special sem
because the thought of combining with students from intake May scares me. Maybe because I'm not a social butterfly so it's hard for me to make new friends and I'm usually really quite when I'm with new people. 

But that all changed and I tried to be confident about myself and I thought 'Just be friendly' so I got a few friends named Ika, Amanie and Zati. They're really nice. But they're going to be in degree for next semester. Lucky them. 

This special sem, we are given a lot of assignments. A lot. For MGMF, 30% of the marks are for our assignment. That's higher than the percentage for midterm lol. I'm actually not really laughing. And I just took finance midterm exam and it was good. I just have a few questions that I didn't know but I wrote anything that came to my mind so..hoping for the best. 

Oh and did I mention we have to kawad? It starts next week... Hate it and kind of scared. Tu pon nanti ada ujian theory and ujian kawad. One word: Ugh! 

Putting all those aside, I can't do anything about it than to face the days ahead. Keep your chin up and head held high. 

I guess that's it. Gotta go back and revise for midterm MGMF this Monday. 

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