
Why Does "Love" Hurts?

This post is not about God's love. It's about human love.


A simple word, yet complicated at the same time to experience it, or for those that are still experiencing it.

If love is nice, why does it hurt?
    In order for us to take something so beautiful yet so delicate, we have to sacrifice something: our        heart.
We experienced love as well as heartbreak. It doesn't matter if you're experiencing a breakup or you're fighting with your loved ones. It doesn't necessarily need to be your girlfriend or boyfriend, it can be with your family and friends too. Your heart still breaks and that's what hurts.

You would do anything to make things right again. Some has a fairy tale ending, others are still in the middle of the book desperate to find their own beautiful ending. But honey, not all endings need to be beautiful.
Why? Well, because things happen for a reason. If you don't feel like you're gonna have a happy ending, then you just have to search for it on your own.

As for me, I'm still trying to figure out how to handle love. A bit overwhelming and exciting at the same time but sad as well.

All I know, is that love is like a puzzle, You have to know which piece fits with which.
                                                                                                                              -Izyan Najwa-

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