
Just today

Annyeonghaseyo,Assalamualaikum and hi!

Today, my fam and I went to Alamanda!! I haven't been there since last week. You can say that Alam is my second house. =D                                                                

My sis and I bought ourselves a kind-of-like-hat but it's not. It's for winter or fall. We are gonna wear it at Korea! So EXCITED! :D I bought a Meg Cabot book. I was going to buy a Sophie Kinsella book but decided that it was kinda expensive... 

After that, we went to Tutti Fruity to eat ice cream!! I had chocolate and lychee flavoured top with marshmallows and oreo. Yummy! 
Ok, I think that's all for now. 

Bye, Annyeong and Assalamualaikum. 
P/s no ice cream pic.  



             SOmething to celebrate!
               SOmething to announce!
                                       the annoying and irritating exam is over!
           all the papers are over
         gonna celebrate now

Today we, SMKPP9(2) students are looking for is finally here!! Our exam is over! Actually, there's 2 papers left but it's not important. Yang tak penting tu Sivik and ICTL. ICTL belajar tengok youtube and bukak fb. ^^`

I want to go to Alamanda with SIXTA. Dah berapa kali plan, but tak jadi. =.="

Annyeong,Assalamualaikum and bye! <3

P/S: I CAN'T WAIT TO GO TO KOREA!! <3  =D (senyum lebar)



Assalamualaikum, hi and Anneonghaseyo~

Ape ni? Aku takuuttt laa utk besokkk~~~ Kene jadi emcee plak. Kalau la AIN and RASYIDAH (sorry kalau ejaan salah) tak "tawarkan" diri aku, confirm aku tak jadi. Whatever, at least I will have my first experienced as an emcee at that school. Rasa macam die la pulak. Ok, disebabkan aku malas nak type, so sampai sini sahaja la ye. Aik? "SAHAJA"? Bm betol~ Ok, GTG. ^^ *hiding my nervous feeling

Assalamualaikum, bye-bye and Annyeong!



Annyeong, Assalamualaikum and hi!

I am so nervous right now! Why? Because, the form 3 students are taking PMR today! Today is the first day... GOODLUCK! Ngee~
Talk about exam, form 1,form 2 and form 4 will take the end of the year examination this 17th October! That's 13 days more!! *start biting nails

BTW, tadi Fai main cikgu-cikgu dengan SIXTA and Qai. Sumpah lawak! Kiteorg belajar Maths dalam bengkel KH. =.= Merepek je kawan aku tuu. After that we learned Account. Aik? Baru nak belajar??

The conversation between me and Fai:-
Fai: Bayar sewa RM500. Kene tulis ape dekat butir-butir?
Me: Sewa dibayar.
Fai: Betol cikgu bagi kamu -10. (tolak 10 markah=.=)

Cikgu tak ada dalam kelas so kiteorg tolong Pn.Halimah buat boarding(letters). Aina,Aiman and me goyang kaki jee.. Aina and Aiman lebih kepada berbual and apebende lagi ntah while I do a draft of my blog. Inilah hasilnya! Yang korang baca ni, aku tulis kat dalam bengkel tadi. Hihi

Ok. Bye,Annyeong and Assalamualaikum! <3
xoxo, Iyan


One step

There's no need to rush, it's like learning to fall in love! HI LOvebirds! hihi
Annyeong, Assalamualaikum and hello to you...

you should always take one step at a time in every situation. Except for running. or you are chased by mean dogs. Ruff ruff! n.n
Pagi2 je aina ardani buat orang nak baling selipar! Bak kata Ain laa. Oh,td pengawas dpt blazer baru.. vest dh dpt blh thn lame la. After perhimpunan is Science tp kiteorg yg pemalas nak masuk kelas, pegi la ambil blazer. Terbaik kan? =D
Hari ni ramai cikgu yang tak masuk kelas. Ye la, kan dieorg nk PMR.

Emm, tu je kot aku nk post. Tengah cari idea ni mehh..

xoxo, Iyan

p/s aku benci ko laa
Ok, gotta go! Maggi Ayam Kampung is waiting. Bwahaha



Annyeong, hi and Assalamualaikum... 

I have finally made a new blog. Y i choose this display name? Emm, I don't think you,yes YOU should know. HAHA 
Blog lame still ade but x boleh post cuz I forgot the password! =.= n.n hihi

Well, I GTG!

P/s AKU akan cube post banyak2. Hehe =D
Bye and Assalamualaikum.