

Assalamualaikum and hi readers.

It's 4.13 am and I'm so tired right now as I've just finished doing my Add Maths revision. I usually HATE Add Maths but once I know how to do it, I just freakin love this subject.  From 9pm until 4.13am. That's like 7 hours of studying! Of course, I took a break to eat and go to the toilet... I'm studying like crazy now because there's only 47 or 48 days left until SPM. *bite nails* Oh, and I want a scholarship for Uniten as I have always wanted to go there.

I'm so sleepy right now.. I have a study group with Ellysha tomorrow morning. Thank goodness she's coming at 10. (There's time for me to sleep!) Wait, is studying with one friend considered a study "group"? Whatever. Don't really care anyway.

This is out of the topic but I just wanted to clarify some things.

I am really truly sorry for not wishing on your birthday. I know you're mad because I only wished you after a week. Serious aku lupa. Maybe this is just an excuse for you but I totally forgot about your birthday because of the trial SPM. Hey, you know I tend to forget my own friend's birthday. Even if I do save it in my phone, but I just can't remember. (Kena makan banyak kismis nii. benci betul dgn kepala otak aku.)

I'm a worst best friend. Kau dh la sanggup hantar hadiah aku kat sekolah. By now, anyone will know who I'm talking about. Again, truly sorry.

I understand if you don't want to talk to me. I'll probably do the same thing if I were you.


Najlaa 'Aqilah said...

all the best for spm :)

Najlaa 'Aqilah

Izyan Najwa said...

Thank you kak! Will try my best :D